
WaffleConf only has Flask as a requirement. You can install the extension by running:

$ pip install Flask-WaffleConf


Simple usage of the extension requires the following configuration variables:

  • WAFFLE_CONFS: Used for specifying the configuration variables that are going to be stored in the database. It has the following structure:
    'CONF_VAR1': {
        'type': 'str',
        'desc': 'First config var',
        'default': '0'
    'CONF_VAR2': {
        'type': 'int',
        'desc': 'Second config var',
        'default': '0'
  • WAFFLE_TEMPLATE: Template containing the form used for updating the configuration values. You are highly encouraged to extend the default template.

Example Application using peewee as ORM

from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.waffleconf import WaffleConf, PeeweeWaffleStore, \
    WaffleMixin, register_waffle
import peewee

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['WAFFLE_CONFS'] = {
    'CONF_VAR1': {
        'type': 'str',
        'desc': 'First config var',
        'default': '0'
    'CONF_VAR2': {
        'type': 'int',
        'desc': 'Second config var',
        'default': '0'

# Define your database
# db = ...

# Define model
class ConfModel(peewee.model, WaffleMixin):
    class Meta:
        database = db

    key = peewee.CharField(unique=True)
    value = peewee.TextField()

# Create database tables
# ...

# Initialize WaffleConf
configstore = PeeweeWaffleStore(model=ConfModel)
waffle = WaffleConf(app, configstore)

# Plug the WaffleConf view to any of your Blueprints
register_waffle(app, 'waffleconf', '/config')