
The WaffleView class is a plugabble view that exposes GET and POST routes for viewing and updating the configuration variables.



Displays a form with all the configuration variables specified in WAFFLE_CONFS.

The form receives a list of dicts in the parameter configs containing:

  • key: unique identifier of the variable
  • type: type of the variable
  • desc: human-readable name or description of the variable
  • value: string representation of the variable (for the input fields)


Updates the values that have been modified and refreshes the application configuration.

Once this process is done, redirects to the get() view, displaying the new values.

Plugging the view

Given the structure of WaffleView, it is possible to plug it into any of the Blueprints present in your application (or even to the application itself). This is done through the register_waffle() function.

register_waffle(blueprint, endpoint, url, decorators=[])

Register the WaffleView in the given blueprint.

  • blueprint: Blueprint to register the view in
  • endpoint: endpoint for the view
  • url: url for accessing the view
  • decorators: list of decorator functions to apply to the view

A practical example of this would be having an admin Blueprint that is secured by Flask-Security. In this case, we want the view to be accessible form /admin/config and require authentication, so:

from flask import Blueprint
from flask.ext.security import login_required
from flask.ext.waffleconf import register_waffle

# Define the admin Blueprint
admin = Blueprint('admin', __name__)

# Register the view
register_waffle(admin, 'config', '/config', [login_required,])

# Add Blueprint to application
app.register_blueprint(admin, url_prefix='/admin')