Usage in views

Since version 0.3.0 the extension does not impose a specific view or template to use. Instead, you can implement your own views and work with the _WaffleState() instance in the application.


To initialize the extension, two different things are required: a model implementing the WaffleMixin interface, for instance using SQLAlchemy or peewee; and a configured WaffleStore.

As of version 0.3.0, there are two stores available (although it is very easy to create a new one using the WaffleStore class as a base):


Model and store should use the same ORM/library as backend.

Obtaining stored values

The following simple views are an example of how you can use the extension to parse stored values of configuration variables:

from flask import current_app

def get_all():
    """Returns the whole list of stored configuration variables."""
    state = current_app.extensions['waffleconf']

    # Get all the variables
    parsed = state.parse_conf() # Returns a dict

    return parsed

def get_key(key):
    """Return the value of a single key."""
    state = current_app.extensions['waffleconf']

    # Get variable
    parsed = state.parse_conf([key,]) # Returns a dict

    return parsed

As the parse_conf() method returns a Python dict, creating a form for showing or updating the values is very easy.

Updating stored values

Similarly, it is also possible to update values at runtime using a custom view:

from flask import current_app, form

 @app.route('/update', methods=['POST'])
 def update_vars():
     """Update the vars with the values of a hypothetical form."""
     # Suppose WTForms with fields `SITENAME` and `DESCRIPTION`
     form = Form(request.form)

     if form.validate():
         vals = {

         state = current_app.extensions['waffleconf']